Advisors Excel Holdings, LLC

Location: Topeka, KS
Investment Year: 2011
Exited Year: 2014

Business Description

Advisors Excel is a Financial Marketing Organization that provides life insurance companies and asset management firms access to independent advisors/producers with access to product, marketing & sales support, training and administrative services.

In 2014, Century sold its stake to the company’s management team.

Alliant Insurance

Location: Newport Beach, CA
Investment Year: 2005
Exited Year: 2007

Business Description

Alliant focuses on the distribution of specialty-oriented products among public entities, Indian Nations, law firms and other industry groups.

In 2007, Century sold its interest in Alliant as part of a leveraged buyout by management and a financial sponsor.

Argo Group, Inc.

Location: San Antonio, TX
Investment Year: 2003
Exited Year: 2005

Business Description

Argonaut Group (“Argo”) is a diversified commercial lines carrier with approximately two-thirds of its premium derived from specialty commercial and excess and surplus lines operations and one-third of its premiums derived from a diversified workers’ compensation business.

The Argo transaction was structured as a PIPE, allowing Century the opportunity to exit the investment in 2005 once the stock exceeded certain price thresholds.

Asset Allocation & Management Co., LLC

Location: Chicago, IL
Investment Year: 2003
Exited Year: 2007

Business Description

Asset Allocation & Management (“AAM”) provides fixed income investment management services for insurance companies and develops and implements investment strategies designed to meet a client’s specific investment objectives and business needs.

In 2007, two private equity buyers, in conjunction with management, acquired Century’s interest in AAM.

Cathedral Capital

Location: London, England
Investment Year: 2002
Exited Year: 2006

Business Description

Founded as a Lloyd’s investment vehicle in 1997, Cathedral Capital acquired a Lloyd’s managing agency in November 2000 and established Lloyd’s Syndicate 2010 the same year to underwrite for the 2001 year of account. Cathedral’s historic book was split between property treaty reinsurance and aviation reinsurance.

In 2006, a London-based private equity firm, alongside management, agreed to purchase Cathedral from its existing shareholders.

Digital Risk

Location: Orlando, Florida
Investment Year: 2009
Exited Year: 2013

Business Description

Digital Risk provides mortgage data analytics and risk mitigation services to global financial institutions. The company integrates real-time fraud detection algorithms and predictive modeling with forensic underwriting services to provide its customers with actionable output.

In 2013, Digital Risk was acquired by MphasiS, a then subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Company.


Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Investment Year: 2003
Exited Year: 2011

Business Description

eReinsure is an online platform for managing the placement of facultative reinsurance. The eReinsure platform provides an easily accessible, trusted environment for information exchange and negotiation, allowing market participants to efficiently manage and monitor facultative reinsurance risks.

In 2011, eReinsure was acquired by Fortegra Financial.

Forethought Financial Group, Inc.

Location: Batesville, IN
Investment Year: 2004
Exited Year: 2014

Business Description

Forethought Financial serves the United States’ funeral planning professionals with marketing support for Forethought funeral plans funded by life insurance. This specialized funeral-planning product is offered through funeral homes. The company also sells fixed indexed annuities to the senior market through independent marketing organizations.

In 2014, Forethought was acquired by Global Atlantic Financial Group.

Integro, Limited

Location: New York, NY
Investment Year: 2005
Exited Year: 2015

Business Description

Integro is one of the largest independent insurance brokerage and risk management firms serving large global companies and institutions.

In 2015, Integro was acquired by Odyssey Partners.


Jones DesLauriers Group of Companies, Inc.

Location: Toronto, Ontario
Investment Year: 2008
Exited Year: 2011

Business Description

Jones DesLauriers is one of the largest independent insurance brokerages in Canada. The Company provides over 15,000 commercial and personal-lines clients with comprehensive, cost-effective risk management solutions.

In 2011, Century, along with founding partners Bob Jones and Rick DesLauriers, participated in a recapitalization of the company.